Swarming Behaviour
Brodie Ellis
18 Aug → 2 Sept 2006

The inventiveness of the species can be seen in the tools which extend our capabilities, and exemplify the power of humanity as a force seeking growth. The same can be said for the prosthesis in its gaining an operation, a driver. This interaction or interface between a human being and a tool is an exchange of abilities, wherein lies a fear. The fear is of the sacrifice necessary for the exchange, and gain from one to the other, the mechanical and the human body. The difference is becoming more difficult to define. This installation is an exploration of the anxiety which surrounds prosthetic dependence in the wake of human frailty, whilst stiving to overcome it.

Brodie Ellis is the inagural recipient of the West Space Prize, a free exhibition awarded by West Space to an outstanding art school graduate from the previous year.


Brodie Ellis