I don't think much about the future
Daniel Price
29 July → 20 Aug 2011

[missing asset] [missing asset] This work consists of six small graphite drawings framed in white satin frames, staggered throughout the space at eye level, each work measuring 23 x 24 cm. These drawings depict fragments of images gleaned from personal photos, newspapers, books and the Internet.

By identifying single, polarising instances, when the idea of Western culture’s ‘progress’ is suddenly disrupted or derailed in some way, Price aimed to explore ideas about transience and the compression of time. These duplicates attempt to embody Time as their subject as well as surface. The source images are generally a dramatic, catastrophic split-second event, however their production is a polar opposite. Through the act of replicating, the drawing’s surface becomes a meditation – expanding the static nature of their subject into one continuous moment. In another way, the works attempt to crystallise the paradoxical slippage between failure, ‘progress’ and the impermanence of Time.


Daniel Price