Wiebke Brix
22 June → 14 July 2007

Intercontinental travel, migration and the unlimited exchange of information has changed the idea of place and belonging often called ‘home’ from a spatially-bound place to a place that is defined by flux and change.

The decline of family and social structures seems to go hand in hand with enormous advances in transport and communications. These changes, while liberating on one account, are bound to issues of identity and displacement. Wiebke Brix’s mixed media Installation represents an emotional place that emblematises a view of ‘home’ that is fabricated by memory and nostalgia.

Wiebke Brix completed a master of studio art at Sydney College of the Arts in 2003, and is undertaking a PhD at Monash University. Wiebke has exhibited her work in throughout Australia and Germany.


Wiebke Brix