Jessie Scott and Alice Hui-Sheng Chang
5 Jan → 9 Jan 2012

…I was in a medieval walled-in town. A doctor was having his prostate operated on. We were planning a commitment ceremony…he started to look younger. We had broken some taboo law…

We all dream. They come back to us in flashes, at times revelatory and life-changing, at others too acutely embarrassing to share.

Alternate is an outcome of a residency completed in September 2011 as part of the Today Your Love Program. Inspired by the many dreams they collected during the residency, Jessie and Alice have created an immersive performance through voice and video, which evokes a dream journey and takes the audience across multiple sites in and around West Space.

Alternate draws you into the strange, slippery, liminal space between conscious and unconscious, real and imagined, text and subtext.

Alternate is part of the Today Your Love program. For more information please visit the Today Your Love page. West Space would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the Australia Council for the Today Your Love project.

Jessie Scott

Alice Hui-Sheng Chang